Protect the View is the result of several years of conservation and land development analysis of the Circuit Trails conducted by Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC). The culmination of AMC’s research focuses on ten views from six Circuit Trails that are vulnerable to development pressure. Open space and trails provide measurable economic, environmental and health benefits to people and communities. Scenic trail views add to this value and increase trail enjoyment. Conservation within trail viewsheds is essential to protect these trail views from land development. As development pressure in the Philadelphia region continues, areas of scenic value may disappear. The objective of Protect the View, and the research it is based on, is to identify significant trail views within the Circuit that are at a high risk of future land development so that these areas may be protected for future generations to enjoy.
For more information about this project, refer to Protecting Threatened Trail Views Along The Circuit: An Assessment of Land Conservation Priorities and Development Trends Along The Circuit report.